No Kannada No Amenities – Dr Vishnu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 16 2009]

Even if you call me as Kannada fanatic I don’t mind. In case I become the chief minister of state of Karnataka for one day I will definitely make it a rule to implement Kannada in everyone blood living in Karnataka – They will be forced to learn Kannada and punished if they do not. Those who do not learn and be like the people of this state I will ensure that they will not get power, water and ration – Dr.Vishnuvardhana was speaking at the 6th Amrutha Mathu Manthana – a meet arranged by the Kannada film journalists at Press Club of Bangalore on Saturday evening.

Dr. Vishnuvardhana went ahead to say that democracy is not needed in this country any more. This is my personal opinion. What has happened in the six decades after independence? There should not be election but only selection. In such cases from top one Prime Minister to very ordinary citizen one year everyone should work for the progress of the country. No room for corruption, infighting, quarreling etc. Then balance sheet should be arrived of one year progress made by the selected person. Is this possible in this country Dr.Vishnu wonders.

In the 37 years of my stay in Kannada filmdom I have seen many ups and downs. Be a part of good and bad things in professional career. My entry was dynamic in ‘Nagarahavu’ in the role of Ramachari and I want my exit to be graceful says Dr.Vishnuvardhana who is currently shooting at Palani for ‘Aptha Rakshaka’ in the direction of P.Vasu.